I love it and hate it. Seriously, both at the same time, it's weird.
I love learning. I love attending interesting lectures and learning how the world works, history is easily my favorite as long as it's being taught by a good teacher.
But the things I hate about school? Sadly the list is longer. I hate boring classes we're required to take. I hate bad teachers which make awesome subjects the most boring thing in the world. Mostly I hate the homework. I know it helps me to learn stuff better (or so they say), but I have knowing that after I sit in class for three and a half hours, I'm going to have to go home and read more and write some papers and solve problems... And it's expected that I spend three hours of work for every credit a class is worth. Average classes are worth 3, science classes 4. Which means that each class is supposed to have nine to twelve hours of homework a week! That's ridiculous! Add that to the fact that I'm taking five classes? And none of that included the lectures or time it takes to drive to school... Good gracious, it's a wonder I have free time! And I don't even have a job yet! I know I need one, but quite frankly, I don't want to give up the little free time I do have.
Because let's face it, for me free time doesn't exist. I'm an avid writer, and I'm always drawing something or other...and I manage a lot of stuff. Mostly groups on deviantArt and an RPG forum or two...but the fact is, I come home from school or finish homework, only to work even more. At least with this other stuff I'm volunteering to do it.
Though I admit, running groups can be pretty taxing on DA. I have to be pretty on top of things, running various activities like contests and prompts and such... I need to cut things off at deadlines, constantly post reminders so people actually participate, organize and count votes, sort artwork... I do a LOT of work for each group I run, and I run a lot of them.
And sad thing is, no one notices! I think that twice in my time as a group admin, people have told me that I do a good job. TWICE. The first time, someone said that they really appreciated how much work I put into it, and how friendly and patient I was with them. The second time they just said they're really impressed, since I run so many groups and do such a good job with all of them. That's how sad it is, I even remember what they said -.-
Call me crazy, but I like being told that I've done a good job every once in a while, you know? I like it when people notice my hard work, it's nice to know it isn't going all to waste. Heck, I got excited when a friend told me that the bathroom looked good after I cleaned it, lol.
On that note, I hate that there are so many amazing artists on DA who simply don't seem to appreciate their watchers as much as me -.- i know one who had 31,000 something people watching her...I'm excited with 400! I don't know...I just feel like they get used to being famous and well liked and all that stuff. I kinda wish they were newbies and had to build up their fanbase all over again. Maybe I'd get some attention that way ^^;
Nah, I'm not that selfish. I can't imagine having 30,000 people watching for new artwork from me...the pressure to create stuff they'll all like would be insane! I don't feel that pressure with 400, cuz I know they're all watching me for different reasons. But that many would be overwhelming. not to mention you'd never be able to keep up with messages! I sometimes put off thanking people for favorites, but even though I sometimes have over 100 of them, I'll still thank them all. With a huge number, I think I'd have to give up -.- Still, you'd think they'd be able to reply to more comments...though when they get five or more pages of the same thing, I can see why they don't bother replying.
If you can't tell, I have one artist in mind while talking about all this. She's amazing, for sure! But still, she's so...predictable? And the moment she's into something, it's like there's a flood of fans all of a sudden! I was fine when she was obsessing over James and Lily, they're not so much my thing. But then it was Doctor Who, and right now the Weasley Twins. The Twins are MY thing, they have been for ages! I feel like she's taking over my territory, and she doesn't even know I exist! And oh man, I doodles a sketch piece for a prize a while back, and recently, she did almost the exact same thing in her own style! So yeah, it was better than mine, but it was still almost a blatant rip off! And I KNOW that it was, because she favorited that piece! It was months ago, so she probably forgot where she got the idea...but the fact remains that it was my idea, and I can't really call her out on it -.-
I'm too nice for my own good >.<
Oh right, this posted started off talking about school? Well this is just a little hint of how my brain works. ALL over the place, lol. If it bothers you, oh well. I can't change the way my brain works =P
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